Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Box Jellyfish - WIP 4

Final sketch.

Black and white lighting test.

Color concept.

Color concept without lines. (Look at that jellyfish glow.)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Box Jellyfish - Sketch3 WIP

Another day with the fish. Progress is slow but steady. How many days has it been? Just two? Seems like a week.

More tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Box Jellyfish - Sketch2 WIP

Somewhere, deep down I hoped I could have drawn this image in one pass. It wasn't meant to be.

I have to color a comic page for a new Tokyopop project Lindsay and I are working on. This will be interesting. I've never done a color comic.

Once that's done I'll print the sketch back out and start on a second pass.

All told, I'm pretty happy with how far this picture has come in a day. I wonder how it'll look flipped? I'll probably flip it and then print it for the second pass.

Gotta keep it real. Gotta pass the flip test.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Box Jellyfish - Sketch WIP

Based on a conversation Lindsay and I had one night after watching a show about Box Jellyfish on Animal Planet. According to the show (not fact checking it right now) Box Jellies cause more human fatalities than any other animal (aside from humans, I'm assuming).

I think the show scared me a bit, which is funny because I don't live in the Box Jelly's home waters of Australia. I'm never going to have to deal with these guys. It's not like they'll float out of the ocean on an air current and be waiting from me at my second story apartment... right?